Infectious Bursal Disease Vaccine, Live, Winterfield 2512 strain


It is recommended for vaccination of chickens against Infectious Bursal Disease for both initial vaccination of chickens with low to moderate maternal antibody and for revaccination.


It is a live, CEO virus vaccine. It has been lyophilized (freeze-dried) in vials and sealed under vacuum to preserve stability. It is supplied with or without diluent. . The product meets rigid 'Quality Control' standards of Purity, Safety and Potency as per individual monographs of viral vaccines of B.P. (Vet).


Each dose contains not less than 103 EID50 of Winterfield 2512 strain, Infectious Bursal Disease virus.

Vaccination Schedule

This vaccine is recommended for use at 12 to 14 days of age or older in chickens with low or variable levels of maternal antibody where early challenge exists. A second dose should be given 10 to 14 days later, in areas of high IBD challenges. In chicks with high levels of maternal antibody, schedule should be determined after checking for maternal antibody titer, on the advice of a qualified veterinarian. Breeder flocks should be given a booster dose between 3 to 6 weeks prior to the use of inactivated vaccine, to ensure more uniform antibody response after inactivated vaccination.

Vaccination Methods
  • Drinking Water Method Drinking water vaccination should be done during the cooler part of the day. Remove any disinfectant or sanitizer from the drinking water for 24 hours, prior to and after vaccination. Rinse all waterers with clean water prior to vaccination. Withhold drinking water for at least one hour prior to vaccination, to allow birds to get thirsty. Mix vaccine in the drinking water according to the schedule mentioned in the pack insert, supplied with the vaccine. Provide ample drinking water space to all the birds. Do not use chlorinated water.
  • Intraocular Method Rehydrate the vaccine with the diluent provided. Place the dropper over the vial containing the rehydrated vaccine. Hold the chick with one eye turned up. Put one drop of vaccine into the open eye and hold until bird swallows.

  • Do not rehydrate vaccine until ready for use
  • Vaccinate only healthy birds
  • Use entire contents of the vial when first opened
  • Burn all used vials and unused contents
  • Do not vaccinate within 21 days before slaughter
  • Use the sterile diluents supplied with the vaccine only
  • Keep vaccine in ice bath during the entire vaccination period
  • Reconstituted vaccine should be used immediately
  • Do not use chemical disinfectants for sterilization
  • For veterinary use only

Packaging & Storage

This vaccine is lyophilized in 5 ml and 15 ml vials, packed 10 vials per box. It is available in 200, 500, 1000 and 2000 doses per vial.
It is supplied with or without diluent.