Adenovirus Type 4 strain

For Broiler breeders and Commercial broilers


Vaccine is intended for use in commercial and breeder birds for immunity against IBH and HPS infections in poultry. It is recommended for chick vaccination in endemic areas and as a prelay and midlay vaccination in breeder flocks.


The vaccine is produced with a high tittering strain that is Adenovirus Type 4 strain. When injected, the oil emulsion controls the absorption of the virus and greatly enhances the development of high levels of immunity. The product meets rigid 'Quality Control' standards of Purity, Safety and Potency as per individual monographs of viral vaccines of B.P. (Vet).


Each dose contains not less than a pre-inactivation titer of 1 x 105.5 CID50 Inclusion Body Hepatitis virus


It is completely safe because it contains no living virus. It cannot spread from vaccinated to susceptible flocks. It provides high and persistent levels of antibody in the dams to provide parental immunity to the progeny.

Dosage & Administration

Dosage is 0.5 ml per bird. Inject subcutaneously in the lower neck region using as using aseptic techniques. Inject all birds in the flock. For commercial broiler, vaccinate between 7 to 10 days of age. For broiler breeders, the initial vaccination can be given from an age of 14 to 16 weeks followed by a booster between the ages of 20 and 22 weeks of age.

Warning: Do not vaccinate within 42 days before slaughter.


The capability of this vaccine to produce satisfactory results depends upon many factors, including - but not limited to conditions of storage and handling by the user, administration of the vaccine, health and responsiveness of individual chickens, and degree of field exposure. Therefore, directions for use should be followed carefully.


  • Shake well before use
  • Vaccine should be warmed to room temperature (18°C - 20°C) before using
  • Use the entire contents of the bottle once opened
  • Vaccinate only healthy birds
  • To be taken by person administering the product to birds

Packaging & Storage

It is available in 500 ml polypropylene bottles. Each contains 1000 doses of vaccine, packed 17 bottles per case.
Store between 2°C and 8°C. Do not freeze. Protect from light.

Inactivated Vaccines